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Joint CA/UK/US Workshop

​Exploring Research Collaboration on Sustainability of Nuclear Power Plants

May 21st – 24th, 2024

Day 1, Tuesday, May 21

​Potential Changing Role of Nuclear in a Clean Energy Future: Where our Plants and Grid Will Be, or Need to Be, in 2050 and Beyond

The U.S. energy future and goals, Bruce Hallbert, INL

Enhancing the role of nuclear in Ontario’s energy system, Adrian Nalasco, PO

Driving nuclear opportunity for Canada, Rob Whittleston, AECL

The U.S. energy future and goals, Bruce Hallbert, INL

Enhancing the role of nuclear in Ontario’s energy system, Adrian Nalasco, PO

Driving nuclear opportunity for Canada, Rob Whittleston, AECL

​Effects of the Commitment to Extended Plant Life and Long-term Operations on the Economics of Near term Improvement Inve​stments

Evolving Perspectives on Lifecycle Nuclear Asset Management (Bruce Power), Harvey Aasman, BP

Nuclear energy sustainability and trends/growth in the U.S., Bruce Hallbert, INL

Civil Nuclear: Roadmap to 2050, Alastair Findlay, DES

Nuclear Energy Sustainability and Trends/Growth in Canada

Positioning for sustainable Clean Energy with a nuclear at Ontario Power Generation, David Tyndall, OPG

Positioning for sustainable clean energy with a nuclear at New Brunswick Power, William Higgins, NBP

Positioning for sustainable clean energy with a nuclear at SaskPower, Steve Livingstone, SP

Addressing questions of sustainability of nuclear energy in the UK, William Bodel, DIRI